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Boutique Dry Bottle Shop

360 Degrees Restaurant Group

360 Degrees Restaurant Group was not only launching a new brand, they were introducing a completely new brand category to the market. The Faktory PR team implemented a targeted, extensive campaign for Utah’s first boutique Dry Bottle Shop that got major coverage—and massive results.

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The Problem

According to Statista, sales of non-alcoholic liquor, beer, and wine have grown an impressive 506 percent since 2015, with no signs of stopping. 360 Degrees Restaurant Group made plans to expand its brand concept by opening Utah’s first Boutique Dry Bottle Shop and an e-commerce site to support sales, including nationwide shipping. 360 needed to activate a public relations campaign to maximize local outreach, educate new audiences and generate publicity around this new avenue of its brand. The company also needed awareness to help drive national traffic to its e-commerce site.

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The Solution

Through an extensive, yet targeted, media outreach approach, Faktory introduced executives of 360 Degrees Restaurant Group to local Salt Lake City-based media—TV, online, print—and local restaurateurs to secure a broad spectrum of coverage. Discussions and interviews with media outlets resulted in stories that highlighted the benefits of non-alcoholic options, the fuel behind this growing trend and why this newly opened bottle shop is unique to the Utah market. Within a month of the shop’s grand opening, not only did Faktory garner thousands of dollars of earned media value, the PR team additionally secured coverage in BevNet, a national publication, that instantly increased physical traffic to the 360 Degrees bottle shop and online traffic to the e-commerce site.

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The Results

The early results from this campaign proved the PR approach to be an extraordinary success for 360 Degrees Restaurant Group. Faktory secured national coverage surrounding the bottle shop on BevNet, as well as local media coverage in top-tier media outlets, including KUTV, Salt Lake Tribune, Utah Business Magazine and more. This coverage generated more than two million unique impressions and over $25,000 in estimated ad value in just a 30-day period. 360 Degrees Restaurant Group took the publicity to the next level by engaging with Faktory’s social team to amplify the coverage across 360’s social channels bringing awareness and sales to its thousands of loyal social fans and followers.